How Did God Allow This to Happen?


The most common question women write in about is, how did God let this happen? And, how do I know this won’t happen again?

I wrestled with this very idea so much in the very beginning of everything going down in my first marriage. My ex and I met at church, had a godly relationship, and checked all the Christian boxes. I do believe that God brought him in my life and that our union started as one in His will. However, sadly, sin and free will can creep in and destroy. Sin, by nature, is destructive! God gives us free will and unfortunately when people abuse that, there’s only so much that can be done.

God cares for us and our hearts. We see this in how He has healed us from the pain of our divorces. He also knows the desires of our hearts and will fulfill those desires in His time. Trust and wait in expectation. And, in that process, while dating, just keep your eyes open to the red flags that may lead to that destructive sin. No one’s perfect, but there are ways to protect our marriage and partners from giving in to that sin. Trusting God is everything.

Remember a marriage can start as God’s will for you and then, by God’s provision and grace, it can end as God’s will for you. He wants to protect your heart from a union that will harm you. He may hate divorce, but sometimes being removed from that unhealthy marriage is the means of God caring for your broken heart.

Image by Be a Heart

FaithLauren McKinley