A Proud 2018
Back in April, I was on maternity leave and stumbled upon the motivational goodness of @msrachelhollis. I read her book and it lit a big ol fire under me. I had a mindset shift. A big one. Something in me finally clicked that I didn’t need to keep my story small.⠀
I started taking myself seriously as an author. I realized that if I was going to work that hard to create something, I needed to have the courage to also share it with the world. I believed with everything in me that my book could show people they were capable of healing.
So, I started consistently putting it out there. I shared reader reviews, favorite excerpts, personal testimonials and how my story has given hope to so many. It was a HUGE year for my book and it was because of my choice to no longer keep it small.⠀
At the start of 2019, both the audiobook and discussion guide will be released. Cheers to keepin that momentum going and helping those hurting hearts become whole once again.⠀